Written and Bound

03/28/2020 01:00 PM - 06:00 PM ET


April is Poetry Month and this 4-session class will be centered around creative writing with an introduction to letterpress and bookbinding. For truly adventurous students who enjoy writing, they should plan on bringing in 1-3 of their short poems. For those students who love poetry but do not write your own, fear not, bring in 1-3 selections by your favorite poet. We will look at artist books for inspiration and discuss several boolbinding techniques that will aid in the student designing, printing, and binding their own artist book based on the poem selected. Students will utilize the accordion or Japanese stab bindings for books with either a hard or soft cover. 

*A basic assortment of the teachers favorite book arts and printmaking materials will be provided, if a student has a complicated design in mind and require specific materials they must source them, such materials might include book cloth, leather, certain colors or specialty papers, specific binding materials. (if you have any questions about your ideas prior to class, feel free to email the instructor - koch.laureng@gmail.com)